Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Angry White Men" Affirmative Action and Joe the Plumber

In the 1980's and the Voodoo Economics of Reaganomics. The sirenic slogan was "Angry White Men" as reaction to affirmative action under the guise of the intrusive Federal Government critique.

In 2008 and John McCain's flailing politics the slogan again is Joe the Plumber, another Angry White Man irate at the socialistic prospect of whatever "spread the wealth" means.

By Apropos

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Barack Obama Win and American Conservatism

Why a Barack Obama win in 2008 will save the Republican Party and resuscitate The Intellectual-Liberalism of Conservatism.

A Barack Obama win will stave off the complete and total implosion of this farce, this fraudulent sophistry of American Conservatism and it's center-right reaction.

A Barack Obama win will cauterize the gangrenous rot of intolerance and the exploitative wake of speculative-value as it has Trojan-Horse like been the dupe.

A Barack Obama win in 2008 provides the cover for the repackaging of intolerance as it has been under it's myriad guises in American Political-Economy.

By Apropos

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jefferson's Virginia and Voter Turnout

Isn't it surprising that the 90% projected turn out of Virginia voters for the 2008 elections is posing a logistical headache for Virginia's Election Commission?

This presents this: Why is Jefferson's Virginia having a hard time accommodating 90% voter turnout, doesn't this mock Jeffersonian Democracy and Voting?

By Apropos

Friday, October 24, 2008

Colin Powell's endorsement and Joe The Plumber's Anarchism

More than anything , Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama creates a window for a vigorous debate on the dialectical substance of American Political-Economy.

It opens up and engages the definitive debate of what is "spreading the wealth" and Joe The Plumber's anarchism.

By Apropos

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Republicans and Women and Cowardly Attacks

What is with Republicans and Women? George Bush and his neo-con cabal in the matter of Valerie Plame cowardly broke the taboo of attacking a Woman in place of the Husband.

Again during the 10/15/08; Presidential debate, John McCain used Senator Hillary Clinton, a Woman, as gambit to open a line of attack. John McCain cowardly said and I'm paraphrasing...
"I don't care about a washed up terrorist, but as Senator Clinton has said we need to know more about Bill Ayers".

This is offensive and sown right cowardly. If John McCain wanted to attack Barack Obama, why couldn't he simply do it without the Woman qualifier as gambit?

By Apropos

Monday, October 20, 2008

Donald Trump, Marie Antoinette and Robespierre's France

Guess what a drop in the Dow Jones does? It compels Donald Trump to repudiate the Iraq war and in no uncertain terms call for impeaching the hapless and harried George "was born with a silver foot in his mouth" W. Bush.

Would we ever had the spectacle of Donald Trump in the Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer on 10/15/08; giving George Bush a F-? Were it not for the obvious, that Donald trump is on the losing end of the Stock-Market's roller coaster manipulation.

Take heart Donald. This isn't 1789 and Marie Antoinette and Robespierre's France, not yet anyway.

"Let them eat cake".

By Apropos

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Great Schlep, Sarah Silverman and the Freedom Riders

Diasporas have a way of expressing dialectical facts and The Great Schlep, a movement to have a sizable amount of Jewish-Geriatrics in Florida vote their political-economic interest has bubbled to the surface of American Political-Economy.

Sarah Silverman, a comedienne has organized an organic and fresh movement specifically for the purpose of having Jewish elderly vote for Barack Obama.

The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.

The Great Schlep Movement has historical antecedent. The Freedom Riders of the Civil Rights Movement. The Freedom riders were northern youth braving antebellum Jim Crow futility and it's "Southern Trees Bear Strange Fruit" Cold War of American Racism.

By Apropos

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Bush Doctrine and Phone Sex

Surprising? It's not. Investigative reporter James Bamford has documented abuses and flat out sophomoric glee and it's jackesque mischief in his book "Shadow Factory", a chronicle of the National Security Agency exploits in the age of the Bush Doctrine.

Is any one surprised that the National Security Agency is using it's surveillance wizardry for the purpose of voyeuristically sampling the originality of phone sex?

By Apropos

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Steve Fosset's Wreckage and Symmetry

On 10/2/08; Steve Fosset's wreckage was found.

Who are these people kidding, approximately a year after the much publicized disappearance of Steve Fosset, the oodlellionaire-adventurist, the wreckage of his plane is discovered.

Why did we need symmetry, the coincidence. What is the message?

Secondly isn't it Hollywood weird a hiker found Steve Fosset's identification---what script is this?

By Apropos

Friday, October 10, 2008

Senator Mel Martinez and $13 Million

Instead of mocking and deriding Barack Obama's campaign efforts in the state of Florida. Republican Senator Mel Martinez ought to applaud it.

Barack Obama has to date valued Florida's political-economy to the tune of $13 million. Which by the way is expenditure for advertising and other miscellaneous services in Florida.

By Apropos

Monday, October 6, 2008

Mortgage Default and Imperialism

Mortgage Default is being blamed for the activities, the decisions of Ivy League MBA graduates.

I don't want to oversimplify certain factors, but and I do want to emphasize but, for political-economy purposes, Mortgage Default is the result of certain specifics of imperialism.

If manufacturing standards are applied and enforced in the global market universally, that specific of imperialism, cheap labor would relatively relinquish it's contradictory dynamic.

By Apropos

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Oprah Show and Drug Addiction: A Study in Black and White

Has Oprah Winfrey and surrogates ever featured and brought focus on the despair of Black families caught up in drug addiction as the 9/29/08; Oprah Show demanded the nation sympathize and empathize with the Heroin addiction situation of Richland County, Ohio and it's White drug addicts?

By Apropos

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Speculative-Value Economics and Nihilism

When the Soviet Union restructured itself politically, Naive critics, foot soldiers in the employ of speculative-value economics crowed about the bankruptcy of Soviet politics and it's Marxist worldview.

But the news these past days, finally drowning out the gibberish of Jets sold on E-Bay and lipstick on pigs has once again proven the correctness of Marxist economic critique.

Bear Sterns, Freddie and Fannie, Lehman Brothers, AIG to name a few are objective facts, proof of nihilism as operative in speculative-value.

If the measure of literacy in a society is it's comprehension of Political-economy, then what exactly is being said when it is openly stated that Wall Street, the global financial hub dabbles in incomprehensible instruments of value-expressed.

By Apropos
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