Friday, May 23, 2008

The "Loan" Brides of Afghanistan

Out in the open in U.S., Afghanistan child molestation thrives as a function of Afghanistan's Heroin and Opium industry.

Girls as young as 9 are forced into sex-slavery as purported marriages by debt collectors. "Loan Brides" is the insulting euphemism, the veneer of a practice were it occurring under any of those governments distasteful to American sensibilities, First Lady Laura Bush and all those other women who love to selectively criticize the sins of the world, would be holding press conferences, taking Hamid Karzai the Afghan President to task over it. But it so happens that this defacto Afghan child molestation, being a result, the maggot infested side of American Democracy in Afghanistan is seemingly shrugged off with silence.

The Valleys of Afghanistan produce approx. 90% of the Globes Heroin and Opium which is the most significant part of Afghan economy. During the Taliban brief control, Poppy (The plant from which Heroin and Opium comes from) production decreased but after 9-11 and defeat, Poppy growth and subsequent production of Heroin has accelerated. In the absence of a stable financial system Afghan Poppy growers barrow money from rich Warlords, drug traffickers and land owners who in default of the loan, demand the Farmers daughter as payment.

They have names like:

  • Khalida Who is 9
  • Gul Ghoti, 16
  • Shaukina, 17
  • Bibi Gula, 13
  • And the lil 3 year old pictured at right, name unknown

By Apropos


Anonymous said...

I am a white female sex slave in...America! America is the biggest consumer of slave girls. I enjoy this life, but I got into it voluntarily. No one should be forced.

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